How Bitcoin Halving Will Shape The Future of Cryptocurrency

Anyone aware of Bitcoin cannot miss out on the major event that we are headed to, which is Bitcoin Halving. At its core, Bitcoin halving is a built-in mechanism that reduces the number of new Bitcoins created and earned by miners. This event occurs approximately every four years, or every 210,000 blocks. The purpose? To keep Bitcoin scarce by controlling its supply.

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Understanding Ethereum: Smart Contracts, Gas Fees, and Creating Contracts Without Coding

Ethereum is a type of digital currency, like Bitcoin, but it also allows people to create and use their own programs, called “smart contracts,” on the Ethereum network.

The whitepaper starts by explaining some of the problems with traditional digital currencies, like Bitcoin. One problem is that Bitcoin’s programming language is limited, so it can only be used for simple transactions. Ethereum solves this problem by using a more flexible programming language that allows people to create more complex programs.

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